
Project brief introduction


藏医药浴法是将全身或部分肢体浸泡于药物煮熬的水汁中,然后卧热炕发汗,使腠理开泄,祛风散寒、化瘀活络,达到治病目的的一种疗法。 藏医经典《四部医典》中,列有专章讲述药浴疗法。

 2018年11月28日,中国“藏医药浴法”被正式列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。 [2]  这一遗产项目既体现了相关社区民众通过沐浴防病、疗疾的民间经验,也是以《四部医典》为代表的传统藏医理论在当代健康实践中的继承和发展。

Tibetan medicine bath method

Tibetan medicine bathing method, known as "Taomu" in Tibetan, is the traditional knowledge and practice of Tibetan people to realize life health and disease prevention by bathing in natural hot springs or boiling water or steam boiled by medicines under the guidance of the concept of "five sources" of life of soil, water, fire, wind and air, and the concept of health and disease of Longchiba and Bacon.

Tibetan medicine bath is a kind of therapy that immerses the whole body or part of the limbs in the water boiled by medicine, and then lies in the heat and sweats, so as to make the muscles clear, dispel wind and disperse cold, remove blood stasis and activate collaterals, so as to achieve the purpose of treating diseases. In the classic "Four Medical Codes" of Tibetan medicine, there are special chapters on medicinal bath therapy.

On November 28, 2018, China's "Tibetan Medical Bath Law" was officially listed as the UNESCO representative works of intangible cultural heritage of mankind. [2] This heritage project not only embodies the folk experience of people in relevant communities through bathing to prevent and treat diseases, but also inherits and develops the traditional Tibetan medicine theory represented by the Four Medical Codes in the contemporary health practice.


 Approval date November 2018

