

Gbofe" (Gbofe) is mainly popular in the village of Alfonkha in the Tagbana ethnic group. "Geboff" refers to both the horns of the horizontal blow and the performances of music, dance and songs. "Geboff" speaker production material is a layer of cowhide outside the root of the tree. Six different crescent-shaped horns (50-70cm) were played at the same time, producing scales similar to those in Tagbana, which were translatedby women's choirs. The music and singers played by the horn should have percussion accompaniment in order to express the rhythm and form the musical structure of "Geboff". The Geboffart is often used in traditional ceremonies and traditional celebrations to convey different content, such as gratitude, praise, love, sarcasm, grief, ethical education, etc. according to different occasions. It has an important social role in enabling people with this traditional skill to be respected and prestigious, and to bring individuals into society. The artists of "Geboff" have to go through the study, the most common way is the father and son pass. Talented young people can also participate in the ceremony.

上一篇:【亚洲·日本】阿伊努人的传统舞蹈 Traditional Ainu dance(2009年)

下一篇:【亚洲•菲律宾】达冉根史诗唱述The Darangen Epic of the Maranao People(2008年)