摩尔镇坐落在牙买加东部葱郁的高地中,是早期逃亡黑奴马隆人的后裔的家园。16-17世纪,摩尔镇马隆人的祖先被西班牙奴隶贩子从其出生地掠走,贩卖到新大陆。“马隆”一词来自西班牙语,意为“野人”,指那些16世纪初从种植园逃亡到牙买加东部蓝山和约翰克罗山区建立自己聚居地的奴隶。18世纪初期,他们控制了这个岛东部的大部分地区,组建了精干的军队,以阻止英国控制下的种植园的扩张。经过数十年的斗争,英方终于在1739年与他们签署了一项协议,正式答应了他们自治的要求。   这些马隆人来自非洲西部和中部,具有各种语言和文化背景,他们到了摩尔镇后,吸取各种传统宗教因素,创立了新的集体宗教仪式。后来这种习俗形制沿袭下来,被称为克罗曼蒂仪式,直到今天仍是马隆人的身份标志。仪式进行中间要表演歌舞、各种鼓点击法,以召唤祖先在天之灵;其间要使用一种源自非洲的秘宗语言克罗曼蒂语,以及一些稀有草药。   如果说马隆人以其克罗曼蒂语仪式而有别于其他牙买加人的文化传统,他们也有一些其他社会、经济和政治方面的遗产被保留下来,其中包括一种独特的集体土地条约制,一种地方政治结构,以及一种名叫“阿嘣”的牙买加传话喇叭,用于远距离沟通。
Located in the lush highlands of eastern Jamaica, the town of Moore is home to descendants of the Malone, an early runaway slave. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the ancestors of the Malone people of Moorish town were taken from their birthplace by Spanish slave traders and sold to the new world. The word "Malone" comes from Spanish and means "savage," referring to slaves who fled plantations in the early 16th century to establish colonies in the blue mountains and johan crowe mountains of eastern Jamaica. In the early 18th century, they took control of much of the eastern part of the island and formed a lean army to stop the expansion of british-controlled plantations. After decades of struggle, the British finally signed an agreement with them in 1739, formally agreeing to their demand for autonomy. The malonese, who came from west and central Africa and came from a variety of linguistic and cultural backgrounds, came to the town of Moore and absorbed traditional religious elements to create new communal rituals. Later, this custom was followed by the formation, known as the Roman ceremony, is still a Malone identity symbol today. In the middle of the ceremony to perform singing and dancing, a variety of drum click method, to call the ancestors in the spirit of heaven; It involves the use of kromantic, an African esoteric language, and rare herbs. If Malone people with its Roman marathi ceremony and different from other Jamaican culture tradition, they also have some other social, economic and political aspects of heritage are preserved, including a unique system of collective land treaty, a local political structure, and a man named "boom" Jamaica message horn, used in long distance communication.

上一篇:【非洲· 尼日利亚】伊耶勒面具舞 Ijele masquerade(2009)

下一篇:【亚洲·越南】铜锣文化空间 Space of gong culture(2008年)