
Gul-Womkuru,or Great Dance,is a form of performance by the Chawa people living in Malawi, Mozambique, and northern Zambia. The ritual dance takes place after the harvest festival in July, accompanied by adult ceremonies, and also during weddings, funerals, inauguration ceremonies or the death of the leader. In the traditional Matriarchal society of the Chawa people, the husband plays a marginal role, so the ritual has the meaning of the Nyao mysterious community establishing a certain position and unity among the people in different villages. These mysterious societies are responsible for organizing adult to adult adult ceremonies. The members of the club are the performers of Güller-Womkuru at the end of the adult ceremony, congratulating the young people to integrate into the adult society. On this occasion, the dancers of Neo were dressed in national costumes from head to toe, wearing wooden and straw masks. Masks represent different characters, such as wild animals, dead souls, slave traders, and even modern objects such as Honda cars or helicopters. Each image plays a special, often evil, role that represents a wrong behavior and is used to guide the audience's moral and social values. These dancers perform their dances and artistic movements with plenty of energy, some of which are entertainment and partly a world of gods and ghosts to intimidate the audience. Mask makers have both professional and temporary craftsmen. The traditional costumes of Gul-Womkuru are considered sacred, so they are often hidden in hidden places and often burned after the ceremony. Despite the efforts of Christian missionaries to ban such performances in the Chaiba society, it managed to survive the British colonial rule at the expense of Christianity. Now, although the matriarchal clan system has lost its meaning in this society, the Naiva community is still active. The Chawa people are both Christian believers and members of the Naiva community.

上一篇:【非洲·冈比亚】坎科冉或曼丁成人礼 The Kankurang or Manding Initiatory Rite(2008年)

下一篇:【非洲·赞比亚】古勒-沃姆库鲁祭祀和舞蹈仪式 Gule Wamkulu(2008)