Huaconada is a ceremonial dance that is performed in the village of milo in the central andes province of concepcion. For the first three days of January each year, huacones, or masked people, perform a series of choreographed dances in the center of town. Huakoness represented the council of elders of the older generation, which became the town's highest authority during its time in huakonadar. They carried whips called "tronador" and their masks accentuated this authority, for the latter's protruding nose also suggested that the sacred mountain represented the beak of a condor. There are two classes of dancers: venerable elders in traditional costumes and finely carved masks; The other group is called the modern vargonese. They wear colorful clothes and masks that show fear, sadness or sarcasm. When performing vajonada, modern vajonese dance around elders who, due to their age and seniority, have greater freedom to improvise. The band played music with different rhythms, which were dominated by a small drum called tinya. Huaguonada combines elements unique to the andes and Spain, but also incorporates new, modern elements. Only a man of good character can be varconess. Traditionally, dance was passed from father to son, and costumes and masks were inherited.

上一篇:【美洲•秘鲁 】剪刀舞 The scissors dance(2010年)

下一篇:【欧洲·比利时】比利时、法国的巨人和巨龙游行 Processional Giants and Dragons in Belgium and France(2008年)