
In the Slavonia region of northeastern Croatia, girls in the village of Gorjani perform a queen parade every spring. The young girls in the village are divided into 10 Kraljevi, wearing machetes and men’s hats, and about five Kraljice. The Queen wears a white wreath headdress like a bride. On the day of Pentecost (The Christian festival), they march from house to house to perform for the people they meet. The King dances the saber, while the Queen comments on the dance in her singing. The family then join the dance to provide refreshments for the girls, after which they continue to march to another family. The next day, the team visits the nearby town or village and then returns to the home of one of the performers to have a feast for dinner. The participation of the entire community, including primary schools, churches and many families in the town, in the preparation of the March, also makes female participants very proud. Although the significance and origins of the ceremony are uncertain, the villagers still see it as a symbol of the village of Gorjani and as a stage to show the beauty and elegance of their children.

上一篇:【欧洲·克罗地亚】奥耶康吉(Ojkanje)演唱方式 Ojkanje singing(2010年)

下一篇:【欧洲·克罗地亚】瓦尔岛的“跟随十字架”(Za Krizen)游行 Procession Za Krizen (‘following the cross’) on the island of Hvar(2009年)