在基督教节日复活节之前,圣周四(濯足星期四)的弥撒之后,克罗地亚南部、达尔马提亚的瓦尔岛上的六个村庄分别派出一支队伍,他们将在行进中穿过其他村庄,在八小时内走过25公里的路程,然后返回家中。这种由团体组织的“跟随十字架”(Za Krizen)游行由一名赤足(或穿袜子)行走的举十字架的人带领,不停歇地行进。举十字架的人以前是从宗教性的兄弟会中挑选出来,现在由提前二十年的注册中选出,他们享有深受尊重和期望的地位,代表着举十字架的个人及其家庭的虔诚。他的后面是两个持枝状大烛台的朋友、其他手持蜡烛和灯笼的人、五个合唱队歌手,歌手在途中几处地方演唱圣母哀悼曲,还有许多来自克罗地亚及国外的各个年龄的崇拜者,他们穿着宗教兄弟会的长罩衫。游行在其他五个村庄的神父表示欢迎致意后返回;举十字架的人在最后的几百米跑向自己村庄的神父,接受他的祝福。这种游行在瓦尔的宗教和文化认同中是历史久远的、不可分割的一部分,它将岛上的各个团体联系在一起,同时也和全世界的天主教团体连结在一起。

Before Easter on Christian holidays, after the mass of the Holy Thursday (Maundy), six villages on the island of Val in southern Croatia and Dalmatia, respectively, dispatch a team that would travel through other villages, walk 25 kilometres within eight hours and then return home. This Za Krizen parade, organized by the group, is led by a man who walks barefoot (or in socks) and marches without stopping. The people who raised the cross, who had previously been selected from religious brotherhood, are now elected by 20 years ‘ registration, and they enjoy a position of respect and expectation, representing the piety of the individuals who raised the cross and their families. Behind him are two friends with large branched candlesticks, other men holding candles and lanterns, and five chorus singers, singers singing the Virgin’s mourning songs in several places en route. Many admirers of all ages from Croatia and abroad wear the long blouses of the religious brotherhood. The march return after the priests of the other five villages welcomed the greeting; the man who raises the cross runs to the priest in his village at the last hundreds of metres to receive his blessing. Such marches, which are a long and indivisible part of Val’s religious and cultural identity, bind the various groups on the island and are also linked to Catholic groups around the world.

上一篇:【欧洲·克罗地亚】Gorjani 的春季王后游行 Spring procession of Ljelje/Kraljice (queens) from Gorjani(2009年)

下一篇:【欧洲·克罗地亚】克罗地亚的花边制作 Lacemaking in Croatia(2009年)