“多声部民歌是在撒丁岛的田园文化中发展起来的。它代表了一种由四个人组成的合唱形式,使用四种不同的声音,分别是bassu、contra、boche和mesu boche。它的特点之一是bassu和contra声音的深沉和喉音。它是站在一个近距离的舞台上表演的。”克莱。独唱歌手吟唱一段散文或一首诗,而其他声音组成伴奏合唱团。大多数练习者居住在巴尔巴贾地区和撒丁岛中部的其他地区。他们的歌唱艺术深深植根于当地社区的日常生活中。它通常会在当地名为su zilleri的酒吧自发地表演,但也会在更正式的场合表演,如婚礼、牧羊听证会、宗教庆典或野蛮狂欢节。

《圣歌》中的男高音包含了撒丁岛各不相同的大量曲目。最常见的旋律是小夜曲boche’e notte(“夜之声”)和舞曲,如mutos、gosos和ballos。这些歌词要么是古代诗歌,要么是当代诗歌,内容涉及移民、失业和政治等当今问题。从这个意义上说,这些歌曲既可以被视为传统文化的表达,也可以被视为当代文化的表达。





Canto a tenore has developed within the pastoral culture of Sardinia. It represents a form of polyphonic singing performed by a group of four men using four different voices called bassu, contra, boche and mesu boche. One of its characteristics is the deep and guttural timbre of the bassu and contra voices. It is performed standing in a close circle. The solo singers chants a piece of prose or a poem while the other voices form an accompanying chorus. Most practitioners live in the region of Barbagia and other parts of central Sardinia. Their art of singing is very much embedded in the daily life of local communities. Often it is performed spontaneously in local bars called su zilleri, but also at more formal occasions, such as weddings, sheepshearings, religious festivities or the Barbaricino carnival.

The Canto a tenore encompasses a vast repertoire that varies within Sardinia. The most common melodies are the serenade boche ’e notte (’the voice of the night’) and dance songs such as the mutos, gosos and ballos. The lyrics are either ancient or contemporary poems on present-day issues, such as emigration, unemployment and politics. In this sense, the songs can be regarded as both traditional and contemporary cultural expressions.

The canto a tenore is especially vulnerable to socio-economic changes, such as the decline of the pastoral culture and the increase of tourism in Sardinia. Performances on stage for tourists tend to affect the diversity of the repertoire and the intimate manner this music was performed in its original context.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2008.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【欧洲·克罗地亚】杜布罗夫尼克的守护神圣布莱斯节 Festivity of Saint Blaise, the patron of Dubrovnik(2009年)

下一篇:【欧洲·意大利】西西里木偶剧 Opera dei Pupi, Sicilian puppet theatre(2008年)