沙士木卡姆这一传统文化现象,在中亚一个称为玛瓦拉尔纳尔(Mawara alnahr)的地区,以多元文化的城市为中心,已流传了十个世纪以上。这个地区就是现在的塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦。木卡姆是一种复杂的音乐形式,它的定义简而言之,就是“根据弦乐优美的音阶创作出来的旋律和歌曲”。沙士木卡姆(用塔吉克的阿拉伯语可直译为“六个木卡姆”)是多种文艺品种的综合体,包括声乐、器乐、旋律和节奏性语言、文学以及美学观念等。它可以独唱,也可以合唱,由弦乐、弓弦乐、打击乐和管乐组成的乐队伴奏。通常以器乐为先导,随后是主要部分纳斯尔(nasr声乐部分),包括两套不同的歌曲组合。


Sashimukham, a traditional cultural phenomenon, has been spreading for more than ten centuries in a Central Asian region called Mawara al-nahr, centered on a multicultural city. This area is now Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Mukam is a complex form of music, which is defined simply as "melodies and songs created according to the beautiful scales of strings". Shashimukam (literally translated into "six Mukams" in Tajik Arabic) is a combination of various literary and artistic varieties, including vocal music, instrumental music, melody and rhythmic language, literature and aesthetic concepts. It can be solo or chorus, accompanied by a band composed of strings, bowstrings, percussion and wind. Usually instrumental music is the guide, followed by the main part of Nasr vocal music, including two different sets of songs.

The origin of Shasmarkam can be traced back to the pre-Islamic period. Throughout its long history, music theory, poetry, mathematics, Islamic science and Sufi doctrine have been affected. The Mukam system flourished in the ninth and tenth centuries, and many music schools came into being in Bukara (Uzbekistan). Bukara was the historical and spiritual center of Sashimukham, and the Jewish community in the city also trained a large number of performers for this traditional art. Performing scripts require musicians to undergo special training, because the general notation system can only record the basic framework of Shashimukam, but can not capture all its rich and gorgeous artistic connotation. Therefore, oral transmission between teachers and students is still the main way to preserve this music and its spiritual value.


下一篇:【亚洲•中国】新疆维吾尔木卡姆艺术 The Uyghur Muqam of Xinjiang(2005年)