
Biyelgee dance is a traditional folk dance in Mongolia. It is performed by dancers from different nationalities in Cobdo and Ubsu provinces. Biyelgee dance is regarded as the ancestor of Mongolian national dance, which embodies and originates from nomadic life. Biyelgee dancing is generally limited to the small range of GER (nomadic settlements). During the performance, the dancers crouch or cross their legs to show the Mongolian way of life through hand, shoulder and leg movements, including housework, customs and traditions, as well as the spiritual characteristics of different nationalities. Biyelgee dancers wear clothes and accessories representing their respective ethnic groups and communities. Colorful clothes have a variety of patterns, which combine embroidery, knitting, quilting and leather technology, and are inlaid with gold and silver jewelry. Biyelgee dance plays an important role in family and community activities such as festivals, celebrations, weddings and work. It reflects the characteristics of different nationalities and promotes family unity and mutual understanding among different ethnic groups in Mongolia. Traditionally, the Mongolian Biyelgee dance was taught to the younger generation through the inheritance of teachers and apprentices, or the inheritance of families, clans or neighborhoods. Today, most of the inheritors of Biyelgee dance are older and the number is decreasing. The inherent diversity of Mongolian Biyelgee dance has also been threatened because the representative forms of Biyelgee dance of different nationalities are very few.

上一篇:【亚洲•蒙古】传统音乐:潮尔 Traditional music of the Tsuur(2009年)

下一篇:【亚洲•蒙古】蒙古Biyelgee舞:蒙古传统民间舞蹈 Mongol Biyelgee: Mongolian traditional folk dance(2009年)