哥伦比亚西南部圣胡安·德帕斯托的黑白狂欢节起源于当地的安第斯和拉美裔传统,每年12月28日至1月6日是一次盛大的庆祝活动。庆祝活动从28日的水上狂欢节开始− 在家里和街道上泼水,营造节日气氛。除夕之夜,旧年游行举行,游行者手持代表名人和时事的讽刺人物,并以焚烧过去一年的仪式达到高潮。狂欢节的主要日子是最后两天,各民族的人们在第一天涂上黑色化妆品,然后在第二天涂上白色滑石粉,象征平等,通过庆祝民族和文化差异融入所有公民。黑白嘉年华是一个密集交流的时期,私人住宅成为展示和传播嘉年华艺术的集体工作室,各种各样的人聚集在一起表达他们对生活的看法。这个节日尤其重要,因为它表达了对宽容和尊重未来的共同愿望。




Arising out of native Andean and Hispanic traditions, the Carnaval de negros y blancos (Black and White Carnival) in San Juan de Pasto in south-western Colombia is a great celebration lasting from 28 December to 6 January each year. The celebrations begin on the 28th with the Carnival of Water − the throwing of water in homes and on the streets to initiate a festive mood. On New Year’s Eve, the Old Year’s parade takes place, with marchers carrying satirical figures representing celebrities and current events, and culminating in a ritual burning of the passing year. The main days of the carnival are the last two, when people of all ethnicities don black cosmetics on the first day, then white talcum on the next to symbolize equality and integrate all citizens through a celebration of ethnic and cultural difference. The Black and White Carnival is a period of intense communion, when private homes become collective workshops for the display and transmission of carnival arts and a wide range of people come together to express their views of life. The festival is especially important as the expression of a mutual desire for a future of tolerance and respect.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2009.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【美洲·哥伦比亚】波帕扬的圣周游行Holy Week processions in Popayán(2009年)

下一篇:【欧洲·白俄罗斯】圣诞沙皇仪式 Rite of the Kalyady Tsars (Christmas Tsars)(2009年)