奥托米-希希美卡斯民族生活在墨西哥中部克雷塔罗州半沙漠地带,他们的一系列传统反映出人与当地环境地形和生态的独特关系。东西向的萨莫拉诺山(“Zamorano”) 和弗朗敦山(“Frontón”),与南部伯纳尔岩石形成的三角形,是他们的环境的具有文化象征意义的体现。人们每年到这个圣地朝拜,他们佩带着神奇的十字架,为水源和神明的保佑而祈祷,敬拜祖先并且赞美他们共有的认同感和延续性。一年中其他共同的仪式活动都是与水密切相关的,在这里水是一种极为稀缺的资源,庆祝仪式也是对这个民族的忍耐力的赞美。仪式常常在私密的家庭礼拜堂或在临时搭建的祭台举行,祭台是芦苇结构,树叶做的屋顶,它是忍耐力、生命力和归属感的象征。精神文明与自然空间的关系影响到了该地区的艺术,包括宗教形象、壁画、舞蹈和音乐,而表达这种关系的传统就是该民族文化同一性的重要组成部分。
Living in the semi-desert regions of the central Mexican state of queretaro, the ottomi-hisimecas have a series of traditions that reflect the unique relationship between people and the local environment, topography and ecology. The east-west mountains of "Zamorano" and "Fronton," along with the southern rock of Bern, form a triangle that is a cultural symbol of their environment. People come to this holy place to worship every year. They wear the magic cross, pray for the blessing of water and gods, worship their ancestors and praise their common identity and continuity. Other common rituals throughout the year are closely related to water, an extremely scarce resource here, and celebrations celebrate the nation's endurance. The ceremony is often held in a private family chapel or in a makeshift altar, a reed structure with a roof of leaves that symbolizes endurance, vitality and belonging. The relationship between spiritual civilization and natural space influences the art of this region, including religious images, frescoes, dances and music, and the tradition of expressing this relationship is an important part of the national cultural identity.

上一篇:【美洲•墨西哥】恰帕德科尔索城一月传统盛会中的帕拉奇克舞 Parachicos in the traditional January feast of Chiapa de Corzo (2010年)

下一篇:【美洲•厄瓜多尔 】扎巴拉人的口头遗产与文化活动 The Oral Heritage and Cultural Manifestations of the Zapara People(2009年)