在西班牙巴伦西亚省的阿尔杰梅斯庆祝“la Mare deéu de la Salot”的节日。每年9月7日和8日,约有1400人参加在巴伦西亚、拉蒙塔尼亚、圣巴巴拉和卡佩拉等城市历史区域组织的戏剧、音乐、舞蹈和表演。游行队伍从圣詹姆教堂(Basílica Menor de San Jaime)到特罗巴拉角(Capella de la Troballa)。庆祝活动从教堂的钟声开始,然后是游行。晚上,斯科拉·坎特罗姆合唱团和管弦乐队在大教堂演奏晚祷曲,然后是钟声响起和订婚者的游行,其特色是Els Misteris(儿童表演的宗教戏剧短剧)、有传统音乐伴奏的人塔和舞蹈表演。第二天,代表阿拉贡国王和王后的巨型木偶、匈牙利的詹姆斯一世和他的妻子维奥兰特加入了上午的游行队伍,而一般的盛大游行则展示了《圣经》中的人物和使徒们的歌曲。城镇居民的参与是这个庆典延续的基础。所有的服装、装饰品和配饰都是手工制作的,舞蹈和乐谱代代相传。




The Festivity of ‘la Mare de Déu de la Salut’ is celebrated in Algemesí in the Province of Valencia, Spain. Every 7 and 8 September almost 1,400 people participate in theatre, music, dance and performances organized in the historical areas of the city: Valencia, La Muntanya, Santa Barbara and La Capella. Processions run from the Basílica Menor de San Jaime to the Capella de la Troballa. The festivities commence with bell-ringing from the basilica followed by a parade. The Schola Cantorum choir and orchestra perform vespers in the evening at the basilica, followed by bell-ringing and the Procession of the Betrothed, which features Els Misteris (short, religious theatrical pieces performed by children) human towers with traditional musical accompaniment, and dance performances. The next day, giant puppets representing the King and Queen of Aragon, James I and his wife Violante of Hungary, join the morning procession, while the General Grand Procession features representations of biblical characters and songs of the apostles. The involvement of the town’s inhabitants is the foundation for the continuity of this celebration. All costumes, ornaments and accessories are handcrafted, and the dances and musical scores are passed from generation to generation.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2011.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

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