



The Multipart Singing of Horehronie is characterized by a variable solo melody of pre-singing and more static choir answers, either by men or women. The singing culminates in intertwined parallel melodies with rich variations, consisting of two or three parts; each section presents a variation of the initial melodic formula. The song genres are associated with agricultural work, the family cycle and calendric events, and new songs arise in response to social events affecting people’s lives. The bearers and practitioners are the inhabitants of the villages in question as well as the broader public. The folk multipart singing is perceived as a characteristic local phenomenon, which provides an opportunity for relaxing and socializing as a group, contributes to overall social cohesion and gives people a sense of pride in their local tradition. Bearers endorse the element by practising it and using it in regular cross-generational exchanges, and its viability is manifested through spontaneous singing during celebrations and ceremonies, church performances, local festivals and singing and dancing workshops. The practice is transmitted from generation to generation mainly in family circles, as well as through informal education and thanks to the efforts of local folklore groups, local municipalities and individual singers.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2017.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【欧洲·斯洛伐克】布劳德鲁克/摩德罗提斯克/柯克费斯特/摩德罗塔拉克:欧洲蓝印花布印染 Blaudruck/Modrotisk/Kékfestés/Modrotlač, resist block printing and indigo dyeing in Europe2018年)

下一篇:【欧洲·斯洛伐克】多塔斯杜:金属丝工艺和艺术 Drotárstvo, wire craft and art2019年)