Il Ftira(伊阿弗提亚)是马耳他扁平酸面包的烹饪艺术和文化,是马耳他群岛居民文化遗产的重要组成部分。Ftira(伊阿弗提亚)具有厚的外壳和轻质的内部结构,其特征是大而不规则的孔洞(一种开放的碎屑)。它比其他马耳他面包更平坦,烘焙温度更高。切成两半的面包中含有地中海式的成分,如橄榄油和番茄、金枪鱼、马槟榔和橄榄。季节性的变化和创造性的曲折也可以添加。ftira(伊阿弗提亚)文化源于阿拉伯语(法蒂尔,意为无酵面包),反映了马耳他历史上跨文化交流的连续性。虽然其他种类的马耳他面包可以用机械化工艺制作,但仍需要熟练的面包师手工制作ftira(伊阿弗提亚)。在面包房里,学徒们通过观察和实践来学习,还有各种各样的培训项目。在家里,以及通过社交媒体和烹饪博客等其他渠道,可以非正式地传递选择兼容配料和填充ftira(伊阿弗提亚)的技能。在马耳他,将ftira(伊阿弗提亚)作为填饱的零食或开胃菜来食用可以培养共同的身份认同,让人们走到一起。各种各样的人,包括边缘化群体,都可以作为学徒进入烘焙行业,学校的Ftira日帮助学生了解健康饮食。




Il-Ftira, culinary art and culture of flattened sourdough bread in Malta, is a key part of the cultural heritage of the inhabitants of the Maltese archipelago. Ftira has a thick crust and light internal texture, characterized by large, irregular holes (an open crumb). It is flatter than other Maltese breads and has a hotter baking temperature. The halved loaf is filled with Mediterranean-type ingredients such as olive oil and tomato, tuna, capers and olives. Seasonal variants and inventive twists can also be added. With a name derived from Arabic (fatir, meaning unleavened bread), ftira culture reflects the continuity of intercultural exchange in Malta’s history. Although other kinds of Maltese bread can be made with a mechanized process, skilled bakers are still needed to shape ftira by hand. In the bakery, apprentices learn by watching and doing, and various training programmes also exist. The skills of choosing compatible ingredients and filling ftira are passed down informally in homes, as well as through other channels such as social media and cooking blogs. Eating ftira as a filled snack or appetiser fosters a shared identity in Malta, bringing people together. A wide variety of people, including marginalized groups, can enter the baking profession as apprentices, and Ftira Days in schools help inform students about healthy eating.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2020.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region.

上一篇:【欧洲·马耳他】加纳,马耳他民歌传统 L-Għana, a Maltese folksong tradition(2021年)

下一篇:【欧洲·挪威】北欧叠板船传统 Nordic clinker boat traditions(2021年)